Monday, December 23, 2013

Wings to Fly selected as 2014 Executive Girlfriends' Group Charity Partner
23DEC2013 - Tampa, FL

Solutionz Holdings and the Executive Girlfriends Group are pleased to announce that it has selected Wings to Fly as our charity partner for 2014.

We will contribute 10% of all membership dues to WingstoFly, a national non-profit organization that promotes leadership, friendship and life skills in girls ages 12-16.

The goal is to build lifelong self-esteem in teen girls by giving them leadership skills and self-assurance, teaching life skills and helping girls understand what matters most.  It’s about real friends, family, education, the planet and dreams that inspire their future as they become tomorrow’s leaders.

Since 2009 girls from all over the country have attended  Wings to Fly Camps to enjoy over 60 fun activities from high ropes courses and zip lining to rock climbing and team building.

Girls learn about themselves and how to work with others. There are traditional camp activities including hiking, swimming, and horseback riding along with activities where girls learn about yoga, healthy cooking and eating, managing money and communication skills. Best of all are the friendships and memories that last a lifetime!

EGG founder Chicke Fitzgerald shares, "My 15 year old daughter has attended the camp the past three years and I can personally attest to the impact on not only her self-esteem, but her maturity.  She began serving in a leadership role this past year at camp and is planning on continuing that service on a long term basis."

Join EGG or renew your membership and support Wings to Fly.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

FRIENDSHIFTS - An EGG Live! interview with author Jan Yager

This on demand audio series is a part of the Executive Girlfriends Group Vignette Series. Chicke Fitzgerald interviews Jan Yager.  The original live interview was 6/21/13.
Jan is an expert on friendship. This is the number one show of all time on Solutionz Live with over 7000 downloads.

FRIENDSHIFTS: THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP AND HOW IT SHAPES OUR LIVES by sociologist, friendship expert, and coach Jan Yager, Ph.D.

The book is based on the author’s doctoral thesis and additional original research consisting of surveys and interviews. "Friendshifts" is a word  Dr. Yager coined to denote how sometimes  our friendships  may shift throughout our lives, and even how we define a friend.

Fortunately, in some instances, lifelong friendship does happen. FRIENDSHIFTS explores what you can do to help a friendship to last. Even with the most enduring friendships, there may be an ending because of death. The examples, anecdotes, quotes, and studies cited throughout the book reinforce the notion that the right friends will help you to get ahead or to be happy in life, and even to live a longer life; the wrong friends can sabotage you or even get you hurt or killed.

Dr. Jan Yager, who has a Ph.D. in sociology, is author of more than twenty-five highly-acclaimed and award-winning books.

She is regularly interviewed on programs including The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Today Show, Good Morning, America, The View, CBS News' & the Sunday Morning Show.

Her website is
To order her book click HERE
For more information about the Executive Girlfriends' Group see:

Friday, September 20, 2013

This Week's Top 10 EGG Live! Segments


Current    Week


 EGG Top 10 -
as of September 20th, 2013
 Jan Yager holds at a
strong #1 this week


















Erika Anderson- Leading So People Will Follow



 Porter Gale- Your Network Is Your Net Worth

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Taking a brief Sabbatical to work on my "Dash"

This has been a very different summer. Prior to school getting out, my mother-in-law had been in and out of the hospital three times. On June 8th, we found out she had stage 4 pancreatic cancer. June 28th she "graduated" into the Kingdom of God.

Even though the last few months have been tough, they have also been a huge gift.

This time facing her death brought me back to what is important in life. I realised that I need to take a little break and spend some time with friends and family. So the EGG show/calls will be on hiatus for a little bit so I can work on my "Dash".

If you don't understand that statement, listen to this interview with Linda Ellis.

Allow me to share the video that I made for my mother-in-law to celebrate her "dash".

Julia Fitzgerald
April 4, 1921 - June 28, 2013