Sunday, July 21, 2013

Taking a brief Sabbatical to work on my "Dash"

This has been a very different summer. Prior to school getting out, my mother-in-law had been in and out of the hospital three times. On June 8th, we found out she had stage 4 pancreatic cancer. June 28th she "graduated" into the Kingdom of God.

Even though the last few months have been tough, they have also been a huge gift.

This time facing her death brought me back to what is important in life. I realised that I need to take a little break and spend some time with friends and family. So the EGG show/calls will be on hiatus for a little bit so I can work on my "Dash".

If you don't understand that statement, listen to this interview with Linda Ellis.

Allow me to share the video that I made for my mother-in-law to celebrate her "dash".

Julia Fitzgerald
April 4, 1921 - June 28, 2013