Tuesday, July 29, 2008

National Girlfriend's Day

So here's a bit of trivia. August 1st is National Girlfriend's Day.

Seriously. It's ok, I didn't know either until Peter Shankman of Help A Reporter Out (HARO for short) told me this morning.

Isn't it cool though that we picked August 1st for our first Executive Girlfriend's Group call?

I am looking forward to this telephonic confab of all my favorite women from the travel industry.

If you are reading this blog and are a C-level executive or report directly to a C-level executive in the travel industry, please send me a note and I'll add you to the group. Sorry, no boys allowed!

Check us out on Facebook. EGG on FACEbook! Gotta love that!

We'll be moving to a new community site soon. I'll be announcing our new sponsor shortly!

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