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Please join us on the 27th to hear Liz.
Liz Goodgold is the author, senior media correspondent, and feisty red head you have seen on CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS and in The New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal. Many recognize her from her columns in Entrepreneur magazine reaching over 1 million each month.
Liz is a true American success story. Her own humble beginnings, unstoppable perseverance, and potent professional content make her a charming, funny and motivating force.
Despite early challenges, Liz started working for Arco Oil as a lobbyist and by the time she was 18, she was taking such luminaries as Bob Dole and Henry Waxman to lunch!
She now boasts 25 years of experience in every area of marketing, naming, branding, advertising and new media.
Liz’s early successes came when she had a chance to prove herself with the industry giants Quaker Oats, Macmillan Publishing and Times Mirror.
She took her first campaign for Times Mirror from infancy to a $9 million revenue stream.
In less than six months at Quaker Oats, she turned what was at the time, their little known Natural Cereal into the exclusive granola in more than 1500 Baskin-Robbins and TCBY stores.
Liz Goodgold has a world renowned reputation for developing winning names, taglines, and branding strategies, with guaranteed flawless recall, for companies such as Univision, AMN HealthCare, and
Liz even caught the eye of Simon Cowell ….Liz was hoping it was for her killer legs……. but no, he was interested in capturing her smart wit and on camera acumen for one of his shows, American Inventor.
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