We've come a long way baby!!
From a couple of dozen women in the travel industry to over 700 executive women across the US and Canada (with a few Europeans thrown in for good measure), we have certainly changed in our short four-year history.So much has transpired from our first EGG call on August 1, 2008. I did the first call in a parking lot in Phoenix. I was in the midst of trying to sell the software assets of a company that I had to shut down and had just met with a prospect for that transaction.
I didn't even realize that it was the National Girlfriend's Day! How appropos.
I have to admit that at first, the whole idea of getting my executive girlfriends on the phone was a tad selfish. I really needed help to just get through each week and to keep moving forward without losing hope.
Within a month or so, we realized that we needed a little "content" for our calls to keep it fresh and interesting for the participants. In September of 2008 we added EGG Live!, which now has well over 400 audio recordings that EGG members can listen to, either on BlogTalkRadio or iTunes with commercials or via our archives here on the BLOG.
In the spring of 2009 we added the private EGG platform and brought a wealth of networking capabilities to our members.
In 2010 we did our first EGG retreat in Orlando and had an amazing outpouring of support from our sponsors, including Wyndham Worldwide, Kennedy Space Center and Disney. In 2011 we had another retreat, this time in Las Vegas. We rented a private mansion and enjoyed the intimacy and time together afforded by the location.
So far, 2012 has been a rather quiet year on the EGG front. So many of you are doing more with less, that our calls are frequently just with our guest author. Pattie Brinkman, our executive producer, continues to bring in amazing talent for our shows. If you have missed then, please make sure to go back and check the BLOG archives to listen without commercial messages.
Four of the top shows of all time are:
Jeanne Meister looks ahead to The 2020 Workplace
Leslie Truex - The Work at Home Success Bible
Erika Andersen – Being Strategic
Carolyn Dowd-Higgins – This is NOT the Career I Ordered
If you haven't joined us in a while, this Friday is the day!! Our guest is LouAnn Lofton of the Motley Fool, the author of Warren Buffet Invests Like a Girl.
The call is at 12 noon ET and generally lasts 45 minutes. I hope to have you on a call soon.
Have a blessed day.
Chicke Fitzgerald, founder the Executive Girlfriends' Group
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